Wednesday, September 2, 2009

ain't it just amazing

how people re-invent themselves into some other kind of creature - just amazes me all the time and makes me wonder how long the charade can possibly last - isn't it hard to pretend to be something you're not?  don't you forget "which" person you are on any particular day?  just questions - don't expect answers to them but it truly can be confusing...
fires are really bad here - the valley is just a giant smoke bowl - a humid and stinking smoke bowl - the hurricane off of cabo is creating the overcast and the fires burning in yosemite, southern california and east of sacramento are just creating smoke filled skies - and this is just the beginning of the fire season here on the west coast and i think fires terrify me more than anything - just because they are so terribly final.  have ridden out a number of earthquakes when we lived in the bay area - did the s.f. earthquake 40 floors up and swayed 15 feet each side of center but fires - they just terrify me beyond all else.

have added a few more favorite spots on the right side of this blog - and will continue to add more.  long day - am punching thru 12 hours so far down here - but we are incredibly busy and the lists just grow continually longer and more complex.  think i'll head home - see the doggers, pet the kitties and settle in for the evening...with the air on - it's over 100 out there right now. 

have a good evening!

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